Suggestions for advanced search
The search becomes active after typing at least 3 characters. There are different possibilities to carry out some complex and sophisticated searches. We will report some examples below, that describe the main functionalities of the advanced search.
Code search
By typing a product code made by twenty characters, for example 00050010PBO0120X0120, you can immediately view the product from the detail screenshot.
Picture code search
By typing the first eight characters of a product code, for example 00050010, you can view the list of products that begin with these characters. Normally they are items that share the same image.
code dimensions search
By inserting the final nine characters of a product code, for example 0120X0120, you can view the list of products sharing the same measures.
More over, it is possible to make some complex searches
by using a combination of searches listed below:
Dimensions search
By typing for example 12x12 you will be able to search for the products having the measures cm 12x12.
Material search
By typing for example aluminum you can view all the products made of aluminum. Other examples: adhesiv, plexiglass, plastic, etc.
By typing for example flag you will be able to find all the carts with a flag application. Other examples: beware the dog, working hours, glowing, refracting, passing by is prohibited, etc.
For example, you will be able to carry out searches such as no access aluminum 12x12 to search an aluminum no-access sign, measures cm 12x12.